Derived class that override methods of the base class are forced to exactly match the method signature of the base class.
In C# 9.0 these rules were relaxed in that a method may return a more specific type than that returned by the base class. This can be useful in fluent builder APIs and visitor patterns.
abstract record CacheOptions
public TimeSpan TimeToLive;
record DiskCacheOptions : CacheOptions
public string Path;
abstract class Cache
public abstract CacheOptions CreateOptions();
class DiskCache : Cache
public override DiskCacheOptions CreateOptions() => new DiskCacheOptions();
abstract record CacheOptions
public TimeSpan TimeToLive;
record DiskCacheOptions : CacheOptions
public string Path;
abstract class Cache<TOptionClass>
public abstract TOptionClass CreateOptions();
class DiskCache : Cache<DiskCacheOptions>
public override DiskCacheOptions CreateOptions() => new DiskCacheOptions();
// Uses a generic parameter to specify the `CreateOptions` return type
// which works for a builder API + scenarios but fails for things like
// visitor patterns that have many possible overrides and return types.
This feature only works for base classes - it is not available when implementing an interface.